得到 更多的 在Arbor Financial工作的机会

在Arbor,我们的宗旨是:增加会员的财务福利. 我们的核心价值观是:携手合作. 做正确的事. 要有创意. 玩得开心. 在你工作的地方,得到更多你喜欢的东西.

任何人都可以融入. 我们要找的是能脱颖而出的人.

确定, it helps to have a background in finance when applying for a job at Arbor Financial Credit Union. 但除此之外, 我们正在寻找有热情帮助他人的人, 谁为了正确的理由做正确的事, 谁会跳出思维定势, 他们喜欢在这个过程中享受乐趣! We’re looking for people who excel at sharing innovative ideas - people who confront big challenges and simply see them as great opportunities. 这听起来像是你在密歇根西南部找的那种工作吗? 那就加入我们的队伍吧.  






Arbor has won the National and West Michigan’s Best and Brightest Companies to Work for several years. 我们凭借优秀的文化赢得了这一殊荣, 一流的效益, 平衡工作与生活,注重职业发展. 在下面了解更多让我们变得伟大的东西. 


Arbor Financial employees receive some of the best medical coverage with Blue Cross/Blue Shield health plans. 除了我们特殊的医疗计划, 全职员工获得视力, 牙科, 灵活开支帐户(FSA), 健康储蓄账户(HSA), 自愿人寿保险, 短期和长期残疾保险, 学费报销. 

不管你是全职还是兼职, 你将享受带薪假期, 生病的时间, 假期, 还有你的生日带薪休假. Arbor Financial employees can also receive pay for time spent volunteering in our community. Every member of our team can 得到 更多的 benefits through the option to buy pet insurance, 阿伯金融贷款和金融产品的折扣, 同时还可以免费参加我们的员工援助计划.


  • 健康、视力和牙科保险计划 
  • 自愿人寿保险范围
  • 灵活的支出计划 
  • 健康储蓄帐户 
  • 贷款及零售产品折扣*
  • 401(k)与100%公司匹配*
  • 学费报销 
  • 假期和病假* 
  • 带薪假期* 
  • 短期和长期残疾保险 
  • 员工援助计划* 
  • 内部培训计划* 
  • 生日带薪休假 
  • 带薪义工时间* 



阿伯金融投资于员工的发展. We’re a growing organization with frequent opportunities for advancement and we love to promote from within. 如果你想找一份长期的工作, we’ll invest in your personal and professional growth to help you achieve your dreams - at work and at home. 如果你想在完成学业的同时赚一份薪水, 我们将帮助您发展所需的技能,使您的职业生涯更上一层楼.


  • 为期三天的新员工培训,让所有员工适应我们的文化, 然后在你的部门进行全面的新员工培训
  • Our Annual Staff Enrichment Day, designed to inspire and empower employees to be their best
  • 阿伯大学, a virtual learning platform that includes relevant annual training and career development tracks for positions such as 个人 Banker, 分行经理兼信贷员
  • Skill-building opportunities for entry-level employees like becoming a Peer Coach or joining a special project committee to work alongside senior team members across departments
  • 每季度进行一次管理检查,以确保您的需求和发展处于最前沿


我们喜欢一起工作,做正确的事,玩得开心! 我们会不遗余力地雇佣积极向上、风度翩翩的人,这一点是显而易见的. 当你加入Arbor团队时, 你可以期待你的工作日在友好的互动中变得愉快, 随机的鼓励便条, 通过我们的识别网站获得徽章和电子卡, 部门聚餐和紧密团结的团队. 而我们的员工则倾向于自发地创造乐趣, Arbor还赞助官方活动,将乐趣融入工作场所, 包括:

  • 像卡拉马祖咆哮者的家庭日这样的季度“玩乐”活动, drinks and hors d'oeuvres at a local establishment or a food truck rally at the Main Office
  • 万圣节服装比赛
  • 节日聚会和游戏
  • 跨部门比赛
  • “美好星期五”虚拟讨论吸引人的话题


With the help of our employees, we have carefully created a wellness program that meets their needs. 通过这个项目, we provide education and resources that help our employees enjoy an overall healthy and active life; by focusing on physical, 精神, 以及财务状况. 我们通过每月的健身挑战和丰厚的奖品来实现这一目标, 营养类, 吸引人的活动!


Stay in the know regarding the entire organization, strategic goals, and overall success. 你将有机会获得有关你所在部门的深入报告, 组织内其他部门, 以及Arbor Financial的整体健康状况. With transparency at the top of our mind we want you to be included and aware of our membership growth as well as product use across the board.



We're passionate about our company culture and have worked hard to build a healthy workplace. 因此,我们获得了多个工作场所卓越奖. 我们收到了最好的 & Brightest Companies to Work For award, both for West Michigan and on the national level.

In 2019 we were the first credit union to be honored by the Better 加拿大28免费大数据分析 Bureau with the Torch Award for Ethics. We’re very proud to be recognized for our ethical approach to member service and hope to inspire other organizations to follow our lead.

在这里工作就像拥有了第二个家. 不要相信我们? 听听我们员工的意见.

"I chose Arbor because I wanted my next career path to be with a company that puts people first. We offer a lot of different options that can help our members meet their financial goals. 没有一款产品适合所有人,而在Arbor,我们有适合所有人的产品! 我们也非常努力地帮助每一个来到我们门前的人. We can't say 'yes' every time, but we look as hard as we can to find that 'yes' that makes my day!"


“Arbor,或者ECCU,给了我一个开始新生活的机会. 他们决定雇佣我,这改变了我的职业生涯. 他们一直大力支持我和我的成长和发展, 我每天来上班都想报答你. 我喜欢在这里工作!"


"I started at a 储蓄 and Loan institution and realized I enjoyed serving people within the community. 一位前员工告诉了我关于Arbor的事情,以及在那里工作是多么棒. 一个信贷员的职位空缺,我申请了. 阿伯非常适合我的职业道路. 在Arbor的22年里,我看到了我们如何积极地影响成员的生活. 我们为会员提供令人惊叹的产品和服务. My favorite part of my job is working with the Arbor team to develop these products and services because I know how helpful they are to our members."


“我喜欢在这里工作! It is so much fun to try to come up with solutions to members' problems and seeing their faces relax or light up when we figure out a way to help them. The absolute best thing about working here is being able to spend the day with my coworkers! 他们都很有能力,我们都真诚地关心彼此. 最近有个同事对我说, “如果这对你很重要的话, 这对我们很重要,’ when I mentioned that I was happy they were all participating in a wellness competition I had started. 这让我很高兴听到,温暖了我的心. 我很高兴我有这份工作. 我也很喜欢这些成员. 最近, 我们的一个老会员叫道, “我爱我的加拿大28软件,’ for no significant reason; she just genuinely enjoys coming in to see us. 我非常喜欢它!"


“我申请了在Arbor工作, 因为我有几个朋友已经在这里工作了, 他们都说那有多棒. I thought how awesome it was to hear nothing but great things from different people working in different departments. The best part of my job is working with our members to make their dream of owning a home a reality!"


“Arbor是最适合工作的金融机构! 我们确实受到重视和尊重,并全力参与到Arbor的成功中!"


"I love working at Arbor Financial because we are truly about people helping people. 我们一直在寻找最新和最好的方式来满足我们会员的需求."


“在我40年的职业生涯中,过去的11年是最辉煌的! 最好的成员,最好的同事,最好的管理! 这是迄今为止我工作过的最好的地方!”





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